Sophia Kamran Ali Workout Routine

How does Sophia Taylor Ali maintain her perfect body? What workout program does she follow?

Sophia Ali is an American actress famous for her well-received role in ABC’s record-breaking medical drama Grey’s Anatomy, alongside her other high-rated shows/movies like Faking It, Truth or Dare, and The Wilds. She has a whopping following of 349K on Instagram. Sophia was born in San Diego, California, United States, and ten days after her birth, Sophia and her mom flew to Dubai, where her family was residing at that time. After four years of growing up in Dubai, her parents migrated to Texas. Later on, Sophia alone moved to California to pursue her acting dreams.

Sophia Ali has played one of the recent roles in the 2022-hit film unchartered alongside Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg. This role of Chloe Frazer in Unchartered challenged Sophia Ali to perform an action and physically-demanding stunts. For this purpose, Sophia Ali started to follow a well-designed workout routine and balanced diet.

In this article, we will uncover everything you would want to know about Sophia’s workout and diet regimen during the filming of Unchartered. Let’s dive in.

Sophia Taylor Ali Stats

Talk a look at Sophia Ali’s Statistics.

  • Age: 27 years
  • Weight: 115 pounds
  • Height: 5 ft. 8 inches
  • Birthdate: November 7, 1995
  • Net worth: $1 million
  • Ethnicity: Pakistani-American

Sophia Taylor Ali Workout Fundamentals

Born to a Pakistani father, Asim Ali, and an American mother, Brooke Ramsey, Sophia Taylor grew up with her younger brothers Shan Ali and Kamran Ali. During her childhood, she enjoyed playing different sports and games to compete against each other. It sparked her love for fitness in Sophia. She shared that eating clean and healthy foods is the secret to her outstanding physique.

While preparing for her role, Cloe Frazer, Sophia aimed to burn fat, build muscle mass, and improve her strength. She hit the gym six times a week during this time.

Read along to discover Sophia Ali’s workout routine.

What Is Sophia Ali’s Workout Regimen?

The character of Chloe Frazer in Unchartered is fearless and strong, so Sophia had to bulk up and train hard to enhance her stamina to give her hundred percent in the fighting scenes.

During the preparation and training sessions, Sophia had to teach more than she is used to regularly, but she remained committed.

Here is a complete breakdown of Sophia Ali’s weekly workout program, where she targets each muscle group each day:

Monday: Cardio

Since Sophia had to do lots of running, chasing, and fighting in the movie Unchartered, she focused a lot on cardio exercises because they help improve stamina and endurance.

Here is the Cardio routine that Sophia Ali incorporates into her weekly workout plan:

Tuesday: Legs

As mentioned earlier, Sophia Ali Unchartered role was filled with action and tiring movement.

It also involved running for long distances, so she had to focus on her leg muscles.

Here is the leg day routine that she completes at least one time a week to sculpt her amazing legs:

  • Deadlift (4 x 15)
  • Lunge (4 x 15 for each leg)
  • Glute bridge (4 x 15)
  • Squat (4 x 15)
  • Leg extension (4 x 15)
  • Leg curl (4 x 15)
  • Standing calf raise (4 x 15)

Wednesday: Chest and Biceps

Through effective movements targeting the chest and biceps, Sophia likes to build muscle mass and strength in her upper body.

This workout routine enables Sophia Ali to perform all kinds of demanding stunts without any hindrance.

Here is Sophia’s chest and biceps workout routine:

  • Preacher curl (3-4 x 8-12)
  • Dumbbell incline bench press (3-4 x 8-12)
  • Decline push-ups (3-4 x 8-12)
  • Dumbbell pullover (3-4 x 8-12)
  • Dumbbell curl (3-4 x 8-12)
  • Dumbbell flat bench press (3-4 x 8-12)

Thursday: Core

Here are the details of Sophia Ali’s abs workout routine:

  • Side plank (3 x 25 for each side)
  • Deadbug (3 x 25 for each side)
  • Sit-up (3 x 25)
  • Russian twist (3 x 25)
  • Plank (3 sets hold for 60 seconds)
  • Crunch (3 x 25)
  • Hanging leg raise (3 x 25)
  • Mountain climber (3 x 25 per each side)
  • Hollow hold (3 sets hold for 30 seconds)
  • V-up (3 x 25)

Friday: Kickboxing

To add variety to her workout program, Sophia likes to incorporate kickboxing. Here is what a typical kickboxing workout looks like for her:

  • Jump rope combo
  • Switching roundhouse
  • Jab, cross, jump, squat, switch
  • Shuffle and switch
  • Horse stance to push up
  • Back kick to knee strike
  • Speed bag and shuffle
  • Jab, cross, upper, duck

Saturday: Cardio

Here is another cardio routine that Sophia follows:

  • Cycling (for 30 minutes)
  • Rowing machine (5 minutes)
  • Kettlebell swings (3 x 15)

Sunday: Rest Day

After a tiring week of continuous exercise and workout sessions, Sophia Taylor enjoys a well-deserved Sunday rest.

Sophia spends quality time with her family and friends on Sundays or whenever she has free time.

What is Sophia Ali’s diet?

While training for Unchartered, she followed a low-carb and high-protein diet. Sophia avoids all kinds of unhealthy foods like:

  • Processed foods
  • Sugar
  • Complex carbs

Despite following a strict healthy diet, Sophia sometimes craves sugar, and she satisfies her cravings with small amounts of dark chocolate.

Also, she eats salads and drinks smoothies for snacking purposes.

Here is a detailed breakdown of what a typical day of eating looks like in Sophia Taylor’s life.


  • Black coffee
  • Green smoothie
  • Eggs


  • Baked sweet potato
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Grilled salmon


  • Fresh veggies salad
  • Grilled chicken

What supplements does Sophia Ali take?

Since Sophia Ali spends a lot of her time working out and training, she requires additional supplements to fuel her gains and provide adequate nutrients to enable her body to function correctly.

Here is the list of supplements Sophia relies upon:

  • Vitamin C
  • Whey Protein
  • Multivitamin


Sophia Ali is one of the few Muslim and South Asian actresses in the Hollywood entertainment industry that has changed the viewpoints of many people by taking up diverse roles.

In addition to being an incredible and talented actress, she also understands the importance of a healthy body. Thus, she adds beneficial foods and workout routines to her everyday life.

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James Moore
James Moore
James is co-founder of He works as a fitness trainer and nutrition specialist. His main mission is to inspire people to relentlessly pursue their sport goals. He believes staying in shape has an overall positive effect on body, mind, and spirit.

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